UK Politics
Please note, older essays will not necessarily be formatted correctly, nor will they represent the requirements of the post 2019 linear changes.
Evaluate the view that the two major parties are more similar than dissimilar regarding policies and ideas
Despite their juxtaposing beginnings, the two major parties nowadays look very similar in fundamental ideas and policies. This essay will consider economic, welfare, and foreign policies to conclude that the major parties clearly agree more than they disagree on policies and ideas.
Evaluate the view that pressure groups enhance democracy
Pressure groups are groups that seek to influence politics in order to achieve particular goals, sometimes in their own interests or that of minority groups within the population. However, this essay will reject the view that pressure groups enhance democracy.
Evaluate the view that valence factors are the most important factors determining voting behaviour
Valence issues are when there isn’t significant disagreement between parties and therefore voters choose based on which party they think is going to be the most effective in government. Leadership and competence are key to this. This essay will accept the view that valence factors are the most important factors determining voting behaviour in UK elections.
Evaluate the view that the Conservative Party is internally divided
student contributor Nora investigates whether the Conservative Party is more united than divided
Evaluate the view that the media has a decisive impact on the outcome of elections
The media no longer has a decisive impact on the outcome of elections. The impact of the media has declined through the decreased use of broadcast and print media with voters instead influenced more by the policies and leadership of politicians as well as their own demographics.
Evaluate the view that the Labour Party is internally divided
The Labour Party is a broad church party but faces a number of internal challenges that divide it between left and right on the economy and other positions that make it difficult for the party to unite.
Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved away from Thatcherism
Whilst it may seem like on the economy, the most important aspect of Thatcherism, that the conservatives have moved away from her ideals, in reality, this is only a temporary situation. It is clear that the party still remains wedded to her principles and in the years ahead, it is likely to move back into a pro-austerity, fiscally conservative party.
Evaluate the view that pressure groups are more influential than corporations in influencing government policy
This essay will compare the influence of corporations and pressure groups within government policy, examining successful pressure groups and corporations as well as those that fall short. Ultimately, this essay will conclude that it is clear that apart from a few influential pressure groups, corporations have a much greater influence on government policy.
Evaluate the view the think tanks, lobbyists and pressure groups have little impact on government decisions
Pressure groups, in general, and think tanks and lobbyists, in particular, remain to have a big impact on government policy. Insider groups, however, have more influence than outsider groups. Think tanks and lobby firms, being types of insider groups, have a lot of influence, but, in recent years, their influence has diminished.
Evaluate the view that minor parties have little impact on British politics
While politics at all levels in the UK are dominated by the main three parties, small parties have been a persistent challengers to those parties and have consistently offered the voter a choice beyond the mainstream. This essay will argue that although minor parties are disproportionately under-represented, they have been increasingly popular in recent years and thus, are of growing significance in British Politics.
Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved decisively away from Thatcherism
Modern conservative leaders such as David Cameron recently tried to redefine the Conservative party as a compassionate party due to Thatcherism’s brutal emphasis on “self-reliance”. Overall, the Conservative Party has started to move away from this Thatcherism politically, economically and socially.
Differences between the Labour and Conservative parties over policies and ideas
The election of Corbyn as labour leader only accentuated these differences, as he strongly believes in the importance of benefits and taxing the rich to achieve more equal wealth distribution in the UK. This evidently disagrees with May’s policies, such as tax cuts and even their decisions on the national living wage can be seen to differ. Therefore, it is clear the parties currently hugely differ over policies and ideas.
Essays: Would a change to the Westminster electoral system improve the state of UK democracy?
The state of the current Westminster electoral system has been argued to have created a democratic deficit. It is undeniable that the current system is in need of significant and dire reform, in order to dramatically improve upon the state of UK democracy.