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To what extent do anarchists agree in terms of the state?
Within the ideology of anarchism, there are vast disagreements in terms of the state. Although there is a fundamental rejection of the state in any form, this essay will highlight the contrasting views of collectivists and individualists on how the system should be overthrown and for what reason.
To what extent do conservatives agree on the concept of human nature?
Within the ideology of conservatism, there is mainly disagreement in terms of human nature. This essay will analyse the strands of the New Right, One Nation and Traditional conservatives, and conclude that the disagreement of how human imperfection manifests outweighs their agreements.
To what extent do anarchists agree in terms of human nature?
Within the ideology of anarchism, there are vast disagreements in terms of human nature. This essay will highlight the contrasting views of collectivists and individualists on how a stateless anarchist society should work, as well as the most favourable economic system.
To what extent do liberals agree in terms of the state?
Some notes on the differences between classical and modern liberalism by our student contributor.
To what extent do feminists agree that the patriarchy is the primary problem in society
The patriarchy is one of the key principles which the feminist ideology addresses. It is the idea that society is dominated by men and run in their interests. Although all strands of feminism agree that the male domination in society oppresses women, however they differ on the extent to which the patriarchy is the primary issue in society.
To what extent do liberals believe in natural rights?
Some notes on the differences between classical and modern liberalism by our student contributor.
To what extent do modern and classical liberals agree over the role of the state?
modern and classical liberals differ greatly on their views on the state, yet they are both tied to the idea that the state serves the people it governs and the idea of government by consent, differing mainly when it comes to how the state can best serve them. They are unified by the ‘representative state’ but in different eras this meant different things.
To what extent do socialists agree or disagree over equality of outcome
Most socialists aspire to an equal society but do not agree on equality of outcomes. Revolutionary socialists are committed to equality of outcome that can only be realised through revolution. On the other hand, social democrats although believe in the ideal of equality of outcome, favour equality of opportunity through the expansion of the state to introduce socialist policies to ensure social justice, they see this as practical and creating harmony between the owners of capital and the workers. The Third Way reject equality of outcome and neither see it as an ideal or a positive measure of success.